Monday, October 31, 2011

week 8

This blog was very interesting.  Although my idea is not the most original it teach me to expand on others' ideas.  It also made me realize how complex the items I use every day are.  I truly do believe it is only a matter of time before our society becomes hands free.

My three comments:

week 7

For week 7 we have to blog about another blog.   I choose for no other reason besides it was one of the first results when I typed it into google.
The blog contained a multiple topics raning from google plus and business opportunities it has to reducing your vulnerability to spam.  The google plus article really intrigued me because of the fact that it is an up incoming site that has gained so much publicity, and to better understand what direction they were heading in was interesting.  If you would like to read more on any of the topics here is the link

week 6

The operating system is the translator between hardware of the computer and all of its programs.  The user sends information to the application which sends information to the operating system sends it to the hardware which sends all the information back in reverse order.  Obviously the operating system is crucial in this process.

There are many operating system that use some sort of voice command system including Android and iOS.  iOS has been the most successful with this technology with Siri.  I believe it could be used for all sorts of technology not just the Iphone.

The real question is how compatible iOs could be with things that are not normally technology based.  One example would be a door that could close and open on voice command.

Week 5

Bits and Bytes are used in voice command technology.  There is a lot of information that the computer needs to know.  And then you have to factor in that it has to respond as quickly as possible.  A lot of Bytes are needed.

When you ask a computer to do a search for you bytes would be transferred from the computer to the internet and vice versa. Obviously the number of bytes and bits you use varies on the user.

Voice commands have essentially mastered bytes transfers.  The only improvements it could use would be for unconventional objects like doors to connect to internet and take commands to open and close.

Week 4

Inputting information could not be simpler.  All  is needed is a voice and the microphone to receive it and process the information inside the computer.  Obviously this is an over simplification of the process because there is a lot of computing involved in this process.

Output is when the computer uses the speaker to respond to the user.  The person would receive the information from hearing it.  Nothing more than the computer process the information and translating the codes into English.

Voice commands is an input/output command.  This process has already been done its just about perfecting it.  making it easier for the computer to understand english and words that sound the same or similar.

Week 3

Although voice activated technologies are mostly software based there is some hardware involved.  Obviously  the computer would have to be powerful enough to understand the English language but small enough to fit into each piece of technology one would use it for.
Obviously it would need a fast processor and a lot of memory to be able to pick up and process the English language and be able to respond. It would need a microphone to pick up the person voice and speakers for the computers response.
Voice response technology is quite close to being available for other technologies other than phones.  And all the hardware being added to the certain technologies is extremely close.  It is all a matter of finalizing designs and improving the software.

Week 2

Since the uprising of social media such as facebook and twitter, people private lives have become less and less private. One of the bad things about social media is that it allows people to see everyone else lives without even talking to them.. This is obviously a risk because a person could find important information about someone without the person even knowing it.
This is risk for voice commanded technology because the person using it would become more active.  One way to avoid this risk is the computer could read back your post to make sure you are not giving away too much information.
In all fairness since the digital age privacy has become a thing of the past.  People have become accustomed to everyone knowing where they are and how they feel about certain topics.  In the future privacy will certainly be a thing of the past.

Blog 1

Technology has been changing; we are finding better ways to communicate and socialize.  20 years ago it was uncommon for someone to own a cell phone.  Now a person without a cell phone would be lost in the digital age.
Cell phones have improved vastly over the years.  At one point all you could do was call someone else.  Now you can surf the web, text, email and even organize your whole schedule.  The latest innovation for the phone is hands free applications that allow you to simply talk to your phone and it can plan and organize your schedule, call a contact, remind you of appointments.  What if we could transfer this technology throughout all phases of technology.  The possibilities are limitless no need for remotes for the television, no need for keyboards or anything with "buttons" or "keys" for that matter. The world as we know it would become hands free.
This is the future of social networking.  Because its as close as we can ever get to "instant" communication because its coming straight from our vocal chords to the technology.